
Map Screen

Map Screen

The map screen is the primary area where you will complete most of your work with the Mapper products.


The accuracy box displays the computed accuracy from the GNSS / GPS at all times.  If it shows two hyphens then there is no valid GPS position.

By default the system will show the accuracy in black text.  If you have the accuracy limiter enabled, then the system will show the value in yellow if it is within 25% of the limit and red if it exceeds the limit set in the accuracy limiter.

Tapping on the box will display extra GNSS /  GPS details.

Map / Aerial 

Toggling this box will change the basemap from a standard Google map to a Google aerial image.


By default the Mapper will set the map to follow me mode, in other words as you move the map will follow your GPS position (the green dot). If you move the map, for example to look at data elsewhere, the Mapper will disconnect the follow me mode.  You can continue collecting data and the system will position it perfectly, but you may not be able to see it if the green dot is off screen.  Tapping the Bullseye will start follow me and reconnect the map to the GNSS / GPS view.

Navigate To 

Tapping the Navigate To button displays a dialog which allows you to key in a Northing / Easting value to locate.  The system will display a red X on screen and show the distance to the target at the top of the screen. Tapping Cancel will turn this off and remove the X.  The Northing / Easting value is determined by the EPSG code set in the Settings in the Mapper.

Download Data 

Tapping Download Data will download data from the core system around the centerpoint of the map. You can define the distance around the centerpoint of the map. By default the centerpoint will be around the GNSS / GPS position, but you can move the map and it will download the data around the new centerpoint of the map.


The Gear enables you to reconnect the sensor bluetooth connection if it drops.  For Sensor Mapper, the Gear also allows you to change the Low / Medium / High gamma radiation values and change how Sensor Mapper displays hot spot information.

Plus / Up Arrow 

The Plus / Up Arrow starts / manages the data collection process.  This functionality is discussed in more detail in the specific mapper product help pages.