Pole Mapper Data Collection
Data Collection
Pole Mapper is capabile of collecitng data with just a GNSS / GPS unit but also with a Laser unit.
Manual Collection
- Tap the Plus button
- Select the workflow you want
- Select the type of asset or item you want to capture
- Optionally complete the form if available
- Save Buttons will enable
Laser Collection
- Tap "Add Attachment"
- Optionally complete the attachment form if available
- Complete the laser routine for height capture
- Three point height,
- Two point missing line,
- etc
- Tap Save
- Repeat for each attachment
Save and New
The Save and New button save a single point with the associated data and resets the form. This is particularily useful when collecting a singe valve or other discrete asset.
Save and More
The Save and More button is used when collecting a series of points which make up a line or polygon. When you tap Save and More the system will;
- If set to manual collection create points on a timed interval or request the user tap "Save" for each position
The system will continue doing this until the user taps "Finish"
Save and Finish
The Save and Finish button save a single point with the associated data and closes the form. This is particularily useful when collecting a singe valve or other discrete asset.